Operation: Heaven on earth
What to write


Where to write
What to write
Sax Postcards
Sax flyers
Campaign news
Let us know
Why campaign?

Needs some tips? Here are a few ideas.

What to Write

We STRONGLY suggest sending Operation: Heaven on earth postcards through snail mail. Ordinary mailing system works best with campaigning. When you send an e-mail to tptb if possible please add one of the postcards to it also. Thanks to everyone who is participating in our campaign.

Express your own opinions about why you think Jax and Skye are such a great pair. Tell them why you think so, and back up vague statements with specifics where and when necessary.

Good things to focus on are the current story - for instance, Thier trip to Saint Sophia, Rae's visit, Skye's fear of changing, The romantic love scenes at the lakehouse, exploring their feelings - as well as hopes for the future. Where do you want Jax and Skye to be in three months? Do you want their relationship to move into a full-blown revelation of love? Would you rather it remain the same? Are you still on the fence?

TPTB want to know - and they need to know!

And they need to know NOW!!


Operation: Heaven on earth
Writing Tips

DO use complete and proper sentences. The first thing that will turn your Reader off will be incorrect spelling and grammar.

DO NOT make demands and/or threats. Never say if you don't do this I will quit watching GH. That is the biggest mistake that can be done and the letter will be disregarded immediately. Nor should you insult any of tptb.

DO NOT be excessively negative. If you dont like how a particular aspect of the show is going, let them know, but focus on how you think they can make it better, rather than just saying "this sucks".

DO focus on what you like. This is a biggie: your Reader wants to know what is working well so that s/he can focus on making it even better.

What to do when send an email to a whole list of people -- Just write ONE email, and in your mind, write it for the magazines. In the SUBJECT LINE, make sure there's something like, "Jax and Skye are great/wonderful/superb/sublime, you get the idea, something that makes it clear it's a pro Skye/Jax message, because if they happen to be on a hectic schedule that may be all that gets noticed.

If you are sending an e-mail be sure to have a pro-sax title in the subject header.